Joseph Lynn

Frontend Developer

I'm looking to expand my network and take on more projects in the Tampa, FL area. I enjoy solving business problems and building web applications that have a great look (UI) and user experience (UX).

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Projects.View All

Headshot of Joseph Lynn

Featured Project

DevJobs Board

Jobs board application using GitHub jobs API data to retrieve data. Users can filter jobs by title, location, and full-time/part-time contracts. Pagination with a default of 12 jobs loaded initially.

Tech: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, API Data

Headshot of Joseph Lynn

Featured Project

Coffeeroasters Subscription

A multi-page coffee subscription website. A user makes selections on a series of questions to create a customized coffee subscription plan with an order summary preview of their choices.

Tech: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Headshot of Joseph Lynn

Featured Project

PayAPI Marketing

A multi-page marketing website. Showcasing who the customers are, how easy it is to work with this product and pricing plans. Taking a mobile-first approach and using modern CSS like Flexbox and Grid for layout purposes.

Tech: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Headshot of Joseph Lynn

Featured Project

Password Generator

A password generator application that allows the user to select a password length, if the user wants to use uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numeric characters, or smybol characters in their password. The user is able to generate a new password and copy the passwords to their clipboards.

Tech: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Contact.Status: Hireable

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JavaScript Classes Explained

Classes are a great way to organize code and make more code reusable. Think of classes as code blueprints - you can use them to create a new `instances`. Think of an instance as new data (or context) that follow the same data structure.

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Optional Chaining (objects & arrays)

Optional chaining can be really useful to help with potential errors when accessing a property of an object. It allows you to access a property deep within an object without risking an error if one of the properties is nullish (null or undefined).

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